Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Keep On Fighting!


Lets get right to it! I went to the dentist yesterday and I found out that I will be losing two more teeth. I do not have the bottom right molars. They were pulled two years ago. One was infected and the other cracked. All my teeth were affected by the whole brain radiation I received as part of my cancer treatment. Twenty days of whole brain radiation also gave me seizures which I take medication every night. The hair my head will not grow back because the radiation, so I am bald for the rest of my life!

So, I will need to have four implants in the near future. God will provide. I just do not how. This is where trust in God comes in!

February 10, 2007, will mark my ten year anniversary of knowing I was sick. February 26, of the same year, I found out that I had cancer through the use of x-ray. Ten years later, I am still dealing with the side effects of "Cancer Treatment!" My Oncologist in Texas, Dr. Ralph Heaven, said to me, "David, cancer will be a part of you life for the rest of your life!" My response, "Geez, I'm only 43 years old!" Dr. Heaven was right!

Those of you out there fighting cancer do not give up! Even though I am not as healthy as I want to be, I alive!!! I have a loving wife, a grandson, and another grandson due any day. I have four daughters who are remarkable. I am so grateful to God that He is healing me day by day.
My book, "Courage and Comfort" is helping people.

I am HIS,

David Walter Wiseman