Friday, March 1, 2019

Throw your cares into the fireplace!

Hey, it's Friday! I hope and pray that you are doing well!

Honestly, I was not doing well this morning😠! I have hurt my left ankle again and my right shoulder is causing me pain! REALLY? Oh my goodness😡!!! So, what did I do? I prayed for help😇!

Psalm 73 has and is one of my go to psalms when I feel like I did this morning! Verses 21-24 states, "When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory."

I have been through many trails and tribulations in my life! I am so grateful to have many friends that I am able to trust. However, I only have One Counselor! His name is Jesus Christ! He knows me better than I know myself. I am able to tell him anything that is on my heart or mind. I can vent to him and cry to him. Christ Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me no matter what I am going through!

Do you know Jesus Christ as you Counselor? Do you go to him with all your cares? Do you know that he is waiting for you to cast all your cares on him?

At the end of the day, I throw all my cares on Jesus. Many times I think of a fireplace. I throw my cares, worries, and burdens into the fireplace and watch it burn! We do not have a fireplace, but on Netflix there is a fireplace. It is a wonderful act to do just before going to bed!

Turn to your Counselor...Jesus Christ and throw all your cares on him and he will give you peace!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman
ps. I am waiting to be taken into glory...Heaven!


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Choose your friends wisely!

Hello to you on this Wednesday afternoon!

I finished reading a book about King David. What I really liked about it is that revealed more of David's life than I knew before. Dr. Mark Rutland is the author of David the Great. I recommend it highly.

Today, I took notes on chapter 3. Having good friends is important to everyone. Now just because you know many people does not mean that they are your friends. A true, loyal friend is someone whom builds you up! They are honest and are willing to listen. They will also tell you the truth if you are out of line. 

We all need friends. However, a true, loyal, and trustworthy friend is what we all need. Social Media friends usually are acquaintances and they do not know you like a trustworthy friend.

A "Jonathan and David" friendship is difficult to find,(Jonathan was King Saul's son and would not betray David even to his father.) Yet, if God blesses you with one or two friendships like theirs, then be diligent in keeping this friendship(s) active! I am blessed to have several true, loyal, and honest friendships! 

Stay away from negative people! They will end up causing you to become negative too! Have you heard this one, "One bad apple ruins the whole barrel?" If you have a "bad apple friend," then gently move on to other friends who will build you up!

Thanks for visiting! 

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman