Friday, June 16, 2017

Good Evening,

It has been four months since I last wrote a blog!

Where to start? Well, I will be as brief as possible. I had a left knee surgery and a seizure in February. Then, another seizure in March and April. In May I had to have two teeth pulled because they were rotten from a car accident when I was 13 years old.

So, let me tell you that God is good to those who love him and are loyal to him!

I got caner when I was 43 years old. Now, I'm 53 and God is beginning to restore me one day at a time. My heath is improving. My spirit is being refreshed. My physical strength is returning.

In the Bible, it states, "Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that at the proper time he may exalt you. Throw all your worry on him, because he cares for you." This verse comes from 1 Peter 5:7.  God loves a humble person. He loves every person and that is why he sent his one and only son Jesus to save us from our sins and hell
(John 3:16).

I hope to blog more often! If you really want to understand more about me, then keep reading my blogs and go and buy my book, "Courage and Comfort." It's on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and on iTunes. I pray that my journey through cancer and all the side effects will bring you closer to Jesus and me!

I am HIS,

David Walter Wiseman

I agree! Amen!