This morning I read about the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18. "He came and asked Jesus what he must do to gain eternal life? Jesus reminded him of the commandments. The rich young rule replied that he has kept all commandments." Jesus knew he was telling the truth. So, Jesus understanding where this young ruler's heart was told him, "You still lack on thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy." The rich young ruler left. Jesus did not try to bring him back!
Have you ever wondered why Jesus did not pursue him? I know that Jesus wants all of our love and attention. Are you thinking...well, I just can't sit around all day and night meditating on Jesus and the Bible! Of course not! However, we are able to talk to Jesus all throughout our busy day. We are able to thank him for our food, our health, our job and all the people he puts in our path each and everyday!
Has Jesus asked you a question that pierces your heart? Has he asked you to give up something that is not good for you? To be honest with you, Jesus has told me to study the Bible more and watch less television. I do love the Bible! I have no excuse. I am still recovering from all my cancer treatments. My energy and my endurance is still not where it use to be before cancer. When I do watch television, I pause on the commercials and pray for someone or remember some of my favorite verses. Well by golly, I feel great and I don't have to watch those dumb commercials!
Jesus love you and me! He understands exactly where we are and what's in our heart! Be willing to give to Him whatever He asks and you will be thankful!
I am His,
David Walter Wiseman