Thursday, August 16, 2018

Jesus answered...

A good afternoon to you!

Recently, I have learned that I am Lactose Intolerant. So, with the Jesus' help, I am going dairy and sugar free! I look forward to this new challenge in my life. Hopefully, I will lose some weight too💪!

The verses of today is from John 14:5-6. In verse 5, Thomas asked Jesus, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  

In this world today it is difficult to be a Christ Follower. However, when people ask us if we are a Christian, are we ready for persecution? Jesus dealt with it from is own people and from his home town and from his own family! I have had to deal with disowning from my siblings and two of my three daughters.

Are we ready to let people know that Jesus is the only way to heaven? About a year ago, I felt strongly led by the Holy Spirit to text all my siblings and my daughters and my son-in-law this message, "Jesus loves you and wants you back!"  Well, for those of you who do not know, I am the only Christ Follower in my family! The texts I received were angry! You would of thought that I cursed at them and that probably would have gone over more smoothly😏! 

My point today is that the name of Jesus is more offensive to the world than any other name! I love Jesus! He saved me cancer! What has Jesus done for you? My Mom tells me all the time, "I count my blessings every night when I go to bed!" That is a wonderful way to thank Jesus each day!

I am His, David Walter Wiseman


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