Friday, January 20, 2017

A bit of this and that


Today, Donald J.Trump was sworn in as President of the United States of America. Nancy and I watched were touched deeply by the prayers that were prayed before Mr. Trump took his pledge. Actually, the prayers throughout the day were amazing! Praise God! I will admit that I voted for Trump. I will not say anything negetive about Mr. Obama. I am thankful to have a God fearing President in the White House!

My last post came from a couple dark days I had. Do you what is awesome about Jesus? Even on my darkest days, I realize that Jesus is by my side. I have had days when physically I can not do much. Yet, I am able read the Bible and pray for people, and text my friends and family. If you are unable to do much physically, then ask Jesus what you can do to bless others?

I must admit that I like a clean house. So, on the days I am physically limited, I use to struggle with a kitchen sink full of dirty dishes. But, I have learned that the dishes will wait for me until I have the strength to do them. It is the same with the dust. Trash on the other hand will not wait. Nancy is gracious enough to take it out when she gets home from work.

I encourage you not to put so much pressure on yourself! If one of those "dark days" shows up, then seek Jesus! Last Monday I spent most to the day in bed crying out to HIM! Peaceful sleep then followed.

Jesus tells us to take one day at a time! Lets just think about that statement...are we able to do anything else? No! We cannot go back in time or go to the future. We have today. Each night when the day is done, give God the Glory for the blessings that came to you!!!

When I sat down in front of my computer, I knew I wanted to write something. I ask the Holy Spirit to assist me with writing to you. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit always inspires me to write.

May your weekend be relaxing and blessed!
Keep on trying!!!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The same fight!

Good Afternoon,

Have you ever received a revelation for God and the next moment you get hit with difficult circumstances? This is happening to me right now! Nancy and I went to Dana Point last weekend. We had a wonderful time. We walked so much and met so many people. God blessed our trip!

Monday, my knees hurt! The pain was like when I first hurt them ten months ago. Today has been a struggle too. I did not get out of bed until noon. I ate breakfast, sent out the verse of the day and went back to bed.

I'm writing this to you so that you will realize that we all have days like this. Pray, do what you are able to and be determined to get through the day! Even if the thought of suicide crosses your mind. Reject it in Jesus' name and that thought will flee!

It is the same fight! It is worth fighting! At the end our fight we will be in Heaven!!! So, do not give up! Keep fighting the good fight!!!!

Thank you for reading!


David Walter Wiseman

God, I need you every hour!