Friday, March 22, 2019

Disabled but Glad!

Hello, and a good Friday afternoon to you!

Most of you know that I am ten years cancer free! I am grateful to God for that! Cancer has taken it's toll on me. The harsh treatments to kill the cancer in my brain, lungs and stomach have left me disabled. That is a difficult word for me to write, "Disabled!"

The dictionary meaning of disabled is; a person having a physical or mental condition that limits movements, senses, or activities.  I am on medication for seizures, thyroid, adrenal glands, testosterone, and pain. The chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell replacement therapy damaged my my body from the top of my head to the soul of my feet!

How am I still alive? Only God is able to answer that question. Almost everyday I hear of someone dying from cancer. For me, I know that God has more He wants me to do on earth. He reveals his plan for me through the Bible and praying. I do not have the full knowledge of His plan for my life. He has promised a long life...that is all I am able to share with you.

Psalm 119:49-50 reads, "Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life." I have no doubt that God will keep his word to me and heal me from the top of my head to the souls of my feet!

I did not know what I would blog about today. I just sat down in front of my computer and asked the Holy Spirit to lead me!

Thank you for taking the time and reading my means a great deal to me!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Friday, March 1, 2019

Throw your cares into the fireplace!

Hey, it's Friday! I hope and pray that you are doing well!

Honestly, I was not doing well this morning😠! I have hurt my left ankle again and my right shoulder is causing me pain! REALLY? Oh my goodness😡!!! So, what did I do? I prayed for help😇!

Psalm 73 has and is one of my go to psalms when I feel like I did this morning! Verses 21-24 states, "When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory."

I have been through many trails and tribulations in my life! I am so grateful to have many friends that I am able to trust. However, I only have One Counselor! His name is Jesus Christ! He knows me better than I know myself. I am able to tell him anything that is on my heart or mind. I can vent to him and cry to him. Christ Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me no matter what I am going through!

Do you know Jesus Christ as you Counselor? Do you go to him with all your cares? Do you know that he is waiting for you to cast all your cares on him?

At the end of the day, I throw all my cares on Jesus. Many times I think of a fireplace. I throw my cares, worries, and burdens into the fireplace and watch it burn! We do not have a fireplace, but on Netflix there is a fireplace. It is a wonderful act to do just before going to bed!

Turn to your Counselor...Jesus Christ and throw all your cares on him and he will give you peace!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman
ps. I am waiting to be taken into glory...Heaven!


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Choose your friends wisely!

Hello to you on this Wednesday afternoon!

I finished reading a book about King David. What I really liked about it is that revealed more of David's life than I knew before. Dr. Mark Rutland is the author of David the Great. I recommend it highly.

Today, I took notes on chapter 3. Having good friends is important to everyone. Now just because you know many people does not mean that they are your friends. A true, loyal friend is someone whom builds you up! They are honest and are willing to listen. They will also tell you the truth if you are out of line. 

We all need friends. However, a true, loyal, and trustworthy friend is what we all need. Social Media friends usually are acquaintances and they do not know you like a trustworthy friend.

A "Jonathan and David" friendship is difficult to find,(Jonathan was King Saul's son and would not betray David even to his father.) Yet, if God blesses you with one or two friendships like theirs, then be diligent in keeping this friendship(s) active! I am blessed to have several true, loyal, and honest friendships! 

Stay away from negative people! They will end up causing you to become negative too! Have you heard this one, "One bad apple ruins the whole barrel?" If you have a "bad apple friend," then gently move on to other friends who will build you up!

Thanks for visiting! 

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Thursday, February 21, 2019


Good morning,

Today's verses come from the book of Luke. Chapter 5: 29-31, "Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, 'Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?' Jesus answered them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." I am reading through the Old and New Testaments. These verses reminded me of who I am!

I need to be reminded of the fact that I am a sinner! Jesus saved me! Believe me I need Dr. Jesus! I do not even want to fathom where I would be without my Dr. Jesus😔! HE knows me better than I know myself.

Have you ever thought of Jesus as your doctor? Have you ever heard someone say, "My Great Physician?" I would rather eat with tax collectors and sinners than with the Pharisees and the teachers of the law!

There was a comedian who used to say, "Things that make you say...hummmm?" Did this blog make you think...hummmm?

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Saturday, February 16, 2019


A good Saturday afternoon to you where ever you may be!

It is not raining today😃! I do not remember a time when it has rained this much in Southern California! Hello sunshine😊!

To be loyal. What does that mean? What does that look like? Who is loyal these days? The word loyal means to support or allegiance to a person or institution. We see loyalty to a sports team. We see loyalty to the college we are attending. We see loyalty to our job. We see loyalty to our spouse, if we are married.

But, what about Jesus? Are we loyal to him when we are suffering? Are we loyal to him when our life is full of blessings? Are we loyal to him when we lose a loved one? Are we loyal to him when we have chronic pain? Are we loyal to him when we do not understand his ways?

I do not have a biblical reference for today's blog. The Holy Spirit led me to write this today! All the questions I have asked you, I have been through and I am still going through. When we read the Bible we notice the suffering of men and women. Job, David and Paul are three of the many people who suffered for their belief in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Are you willing to be loyal to Jesus even when no one else is? I pray that I will be loyal to Him till the day I die!
Thanks for taking time to read my blog and may God bless you today! 

I am HIS,

David Walter Wiseman


Saturday, February 9, 2019


Well,'s been a while!

I got injured again! I stepped half of a brick pathway and half on grass. I sprained my left ankle on December 15th of last year. Then, two weeks later, it popped very loudly! I'm finally able to walk, but I still have pain. I am praying that I will be able to blog more this year!

Forgiveness is the title of this blog. This is such an important issue that Jesus tells us in Matthew chapter 6: 14-15, " For if your forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

These two verses are written just after the Lord's Prayer! In all my years of going to church, I do not recall these two verses being preached. Forgiveness does not mean that you keep letting others hurt you. It means that you forgive them for hurting you or sinning against you. Forgiveness frees you from hatred, bitterness, and wanting revenge.

Forgiveness is more for you than anyone else! I have had to forgive others many times until I felt free and happy to be obedient to God's command. It is a command! We must forgive others! I want my Heavenly Father to forgive me of my sins! So, I will forgive others when they sin against me.

Case in point, when I moved from Texas back home to Southern California, I could not bring all my possessions with me. I left them in storage and was told that they could stay there until I was ready to get them. When I called about my possessions, I was told that they were thrown out into the trash! I heard loud and clear, "Forgive her!" God told me to forgive her and I did! However, I have had to forgive her over and over again until I am right with God. Then He reminded me, "Vengeance is Mine!" Thank God that I do not have to do anything to her!

Thank you for reading my blogs and God help you to forgive others!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman