Tuesday, February 6, 2018

From Courage and Comfort

Greetings to you,

I am going to share with you an excerpt from Courage and Comfort. I hope and pray that what I am about to write will give you insight to why I blog. As I say often, I am amazed that I am alive!

"I was living in a one blinking light town in Gorman, Texas. I taught 7th & 8th grade Science, and coached football and basketball. I was also working at Wal-Mart as a cashier.

On February 10th, 2007, I arrived home from working a Wal-Mart and though I had the flu. Sixteen days later, I'm in the hospital receiving 15 bags of fluids over the next three days for dehydration.
After a chest x-ray, my doctor sat on the edge on my bed and said, 'Dave, it looks like the 'C Word.'"Tim McGraw's song, "Live like you were Dying" just hit the radio stations. Wow, that was my life!

Three days later, I was transferred to Abilene Reginal Hopital. On March 12th, my oncologist confirmed that I had Stage 4 Choriocarcinoma. This type of germ cell cancer formed a large mass around my stomach, filled my lungs, and formed two nodules in the back of my brain."

I am nine years cancer free! I praise God that I am alive! Yet, I continue to deal with all the side effects of the treatments to get me cancer free. I call my life after cancer, "The new normal!" This means that what was able to do before cancer, I am not able to do even after nine years of being cancer free. Believe me, "The new normal" tests all my faith in the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! 

I am so grateful to be alive! Whatever you are going through in your life, seek the Lord Jesus by praying and  reading the Word! He will never leave you nor forsake you! I know this so deeply in my heart!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman


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