Thursday, March 8, 2018


Hello from sunny Southern California, 

I want to share another excerpt from my book, "Courage and Comfort." As I was scanning my book, I enquired of the Lord, "What do you want me to write in this blog?" The answer is from pages 37-38. 

I read a book called, "The Fourth Dimension" by Dr. Paul Yonggi Cho. Dr. Cho deals with four aspects of our lives the hinder God's power and the are hatred, fear, inferiority, and guilt. Hatred, Fear, Inferiority, and Guilt. If any of these emotions are ruling our lives, then God's power is hindered  and cannot flow from us. In each emotions, Dr. Cho tells a true story of people who were healed from illness when they let go of those negative emotions and blessed the people who caused those emotions to rule their lives and caused those illnesses.

The word that keeps popping up in my mind is forgiveness. Did you feel that word as you read Dr. Cho four aspects of our lives? There are people in my life, with or without knowing, have caused one or more of the four aspects in my life. I am sure that you could think of some people who have done or is doing one or more of the four aspects in your life.

Forgiveness is not a one time act. For me, forgiveness is a daily act of asking Jesus to help me forgive! I encourage you to forgive others, even if it from the past! We all carry the scars from the past. Do not let satan pick at those scars and remind you of your past! Instead, let Jesus heal those scars so that His power and blessings will flow through us to others!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


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