Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I am alive... Glory to God


God is everywhere! I received a phone call from a self publishing company. The call was not from Xulon Press. It was from another company. I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to call Mark. He had left a  voice mail. Mark and I had a "Divine Appointment."

I was not thinking of a divine appointment when I called Mark. Actually, I was going to tell him to stop bugging me with his phone calls. With this mindset, I called Mark. Something happened when he answered the phone. Instead of telling him to quit calling me, the Holy Spirit came over me and I was nice to him.

After informing Mark that did not have the money to self publish we started conversing. I mentioned that I'm a cancer survivor and Mark told me about his mother. She just finished her cancer treatments.

Then, I stated that I have published a book about my cancer journey. Mark wanted to know the title of my book and where he could view it. I responded, "Courage and Comfort" and it is on Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com and iTunes. Remember, Mark is still at work!

He found my book and looked through the first view pages. He was extremely excited to find a book that would help him and his family understand what I went through with cancer and the treatments to cure me. Yes, Mark is going to buy my book. He is also telling as many people as possible about my book!

"Courage and Comfort" is about my cancer journey. But, I need you to understand that the book would not have been written without God! I give God all the Glory for the book and that I am sitting here alive and writing to you!

I an HIS,

David Walter Wiseman


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