Saturday, December 8, 2018

Do you have peace?

Good afternoon from sunny Socal.

Having peace in our lives is hard to find. People walk around with their cell phones plugged into their ears and do not bother to say, "Hi!" Well, for one reason they cannot hear you.  I do not think they want to hear you! You cannot even tell if they are having a good or bad day.

Honestly, I miss the days when cell phones didn't exist! I would rather "talk" with someone then send text messages. Besides, when you text someone, are you able to determine their tone of voice? Are they being funny, sarcastic or not caring what you think? One more thing... you send a text to your best friend and they don't text you back for a week!

Actually, I do have a verse for today😊! It is from 2 Thessalonians 3:16. Paul exhorts, "Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you." Notice, ALL TIMES!

I believe that asking the Lord for peace is appropriate. I believe asking our Lord Jesus for what we need is appropriate. Asking equals praying! If we do not pray, then will we receive what we need? Whether it is peace, health or wisdom, our Lord Jesus is waiting for us to ask in prayer.

Love & Blessings,
David Walter Wiseman


Friday, December 7, 2018

The Word is Alive!

Good Evening to you all!

My blog tonight is about God's Word. My wife and I have been reading through Paul's letters in the New Testament. She wanted to do something for Advent. Each morning after breakfast, we started reading aloud to each other. Nancy would read a chapter then I would read a chapter. 

If we came across a verse that needed a more in depth search, then we would dig into it to understand it before we moved on in our reading. Today, we were in 2 Timothy. Oh my goodness! We were blessed by the entire letter!

In 2 Timothy 1 verses 11& 12, Paul is speaking and yet God made it very clear to me that HE was speaking to me! "And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why i am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame. because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day."

I know that in the near future God will send me out as an "herald, apostle and a teacher." And I was reminded this morning that I should not feel shame because of my years of suffering! Jesus suffered. Paul suffered. Why shouldn't I suffer? I am thankful for my suffering! It has brought me closer to Jesus than I ever thought possible!

Has God given you a vision of what he wants you to do? By reading the Word everyday, God will show you his will for your life. I truly believe that our Father has a plan and a purpose for every person on earth!

May God's will be the same in heaven as it is on earth!

I am His, 
David Walter Wiseman 


Friday, November 9, 2018

Hope in Jesus!

It is Friday here in Southern California.

I have not been able to blog because of my health. I am feeling good today. When you read my blogs, I hope and pray you are "Seeing Jesus Christ in me!" Jesus is the reason that I am alive today!

In Proverbs 23 & 24, the verse, "And my hope will not be cut off" is written. There are times in our lives when what we hope for seems so far away. For me, it is my health. The other day I had to get down on my hands and knees. I struggled mightily to get back up! I will be 55 years old on the 26th of this month. I will be 10 years Cancer Free on January 7th, 2019! My hope is that Jesus will help me regain my health. I realize that I must do my part in getting physically stronger.

Another verse that Jesus brought to my attention is Isaiah 40:29, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." I know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus helped me get off the ground! Why? I cried out to Jesus to help me get up😩!

Do not let your HOPE in JESUS be swallowed up by the evil in this world! Remember, Jesus' victory over evil!

Thank you for reading my blogs! Lord Willing, I will write more often😊!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Wide & Narrow Gate

Hello to you this Wednesday afternoon!

Today's verses are from Matthew 7: 13-14. Jesus is teaching to a large crowd. There are two gates, He says, "Enter though the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road is that leads to life, and only a few find it." 

 In this day and age that we are living in it sure seems like there are many people on that wide road! In my own life, I have family members on that wide road and it breaks my heart. They all know my belief in Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to be on the narrow road! The narrow road is much more difficult than the wide road for sure! However, I want to be on the road that leads me to heaven, no matter how hard and rocky and painful the narrow road can be!

OK, what do we do with all the people on the "wide road?" We pray for them! We pray for "Divine Appointments" with them! One thing we should not do is to judge them! Judgement is for God Almighty!!!

Honestly, we as Christ-Followers must learn that we are not to judge people who don't believe in Jesus. We are to witness to them with how we speak and love and in our actions. There is an old song I learned in church, "They will know we are Christians by our love!

May God continue to bless you this day!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman



Thursday, September 13, 2018

Groundhog Day

I am hoping you are having a good day with the Lord!

My wife and I watched, "Groundhog Day" last night. I have seen this movie many times, yet this time it revealed something in me that I did not like. For those of you who have not seen this movie I will not tell you the whole story.

The main character in this movie is egocentric. He has to live the same day over and over and over again. What this movie revealed in me was just how selfish I have been throughout my life. Whew, that was extremely difficult to confess😁!

As I laid in bed last night I prayed and asked God to forgive me for being so egocentric. I felt his presence come over me. I am bound by gratefulness to God!

Jesus was a Servant King while he walked on this earth.

The verse that came to my mind is Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." You may be thinking, "How does this verse fit with being selfish?" Well, if we truly seek "his kingdom and his righteousness, then Jesus will reveal to you what needs to be purified. It is a daily walk with Jesus that will makes us more like him!

Thank you for reading my blogs! May God Bless you richly!

I am HIS, David Walter Wiseman

My favorite time of year!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Well, how about that!

It's Friday afternoon. To tell you the truth I am really tired. I want to share something great with you. It has not come to me yet. 

This morning I read about the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18. "He came and asked Jesus what he must do to gain eternal life? Jesus reminded him of the commandments. The rich young rule replied that he has kept all commandments." Jesus knew he was telling the truth. So, Jesus understanding where this young ruler's heart was told him, "You still lack on thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy." The rich young ruler left. Jesus did not try to bring him back! 

Have you ever wondered why Jesus did not pursue him? I know that Jesus wants all of our love and attention. Are you thinking...well, I just can't sit around all day and night meditating on Jesus and the Bible! Of course not! However, we are able to talk to Jesus all throughout our busy day. We are able to thank him for our food, our health, our job and all the people he puts in our path each and everyday!

Has Jesus asked you a question that pierces your heart? Has he asked you to give up something that is not good for you? To be honest with you, Jesus has told me to study the Bible more and watch less television. I do love the Bible! I have no excuse. I am still recovering from all my cancer treatments. My energy and my endurance is still not where it use to be before cancer. When I do watch television, I pause on the commercials and pray for someone or remember some of my favorite verses. Well by golly, I feel great and I don't have to watch those dumb commercials!

Jesus love you and me! He understands exactly where we are and what's in our heart! Be willing to give to Him whatever He asks and you will be thankful!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Jesus answered...

A good afternoon to you!

Recently, I have learned that I am Lactose Intolerant. So, with the Jesus' help, I am going dairy and sugar free! I look forward to this new challenge in my life. Hopefully, I will lose some weight too💪!

The verses of today is from John 14:5-6. In verse 5, Thomas asked Jesus, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  

In this world today it is difficult to be a Christ Follower. However, when people ask us if we are a Christian, are we ready for persecution? Jesus dealt with it from is own people and from his home town and from his own family! I have had to deal with disowning from my siblings and two of my three daughters.

Are we ready to let people know that Jesus is the only way to heaven? About a year ago, I felt strongly led by the Holy Spirit to text all my siblings and my daughters and my son-in-law this message, "Jesus loves you and wants you back!"  Well, for those of you who do not know, I am the only Christ Follower in my family! The texts I received were angry! You would of thought that I cursed at them and that probably would have gone over more smoothly😏! 

My point today is that the name of Jesus is more offensive to the world than any other name! I love Jesus! He saved me cancer! What has Jesus done for you? My Mom tells me all the time, "I count my blessings every night when I go to bed!" That is a wonderful way to thank Jesus each day!

I am His, David Walter Wiseman


Thursday, August 2, 2018

WOW! God is Amazing!

A good day to you where you may be!

Reading the Psalms is so rewarding! In Psalm 139:16, David expressed, "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Ponder this verse for a few minutes.

Over the years, I have read Psalm 139 too many times to count. However, I read it last Monday and this verse made me say, "WOW!" God knew me even before I was created in my mother's womb! God knows all the days of my life! God has written in His book everything I will ever do and say! WOW! This one verse is so deep😧!

Think about the fact that this is only one verse from the entire Bible. We are able to read the Bible over and over and still receive from God his love and directions for our lives!

Thank you for reading my blog! My hope and prayer is that you are richly blessed! I give all the glory to God for what I share with you!

I am HIS,

David Walter Wiseman


Saturday, July 28, 2018

God's Timing!

It's Saturday afternoon and I know I desire to write to you. I no idea of what to write! Help me Holy Spirit!

Have you heard a promise from God? He will always keep His promise to you! However, God's timing is different than ours. Psalm 27 says, "Wait for the LORD, take heart and wait for the LORD." Waiting is one of the hardest aspects of life!

Here I am nine and half years cancer free and I am still waiting to be fully recovered. I recently received a medication that I have not had for four months. This medication is helping me have more energy and clarity of mind. Four months of waiting takes its toll.

I understand that many of you are waiting on the LORD. I am! Let us keep trusting that the LORD knows the best time to give us what we are waiting for. Proverbs 3: 5-6 states, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." 

Waiting and trusting in the LORD is a test of our faith in Him! Be of good cheer because the LORD only tests HIS Children! I am so grateful to be a son of the one true King!

I am HiS

David Walter Wiseman


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Sing the LORD'S Music!

Good morning to you!

Three days ago, I heard Pastor Matt Hagee preach on tv. One point he made was when we grumble and complain, we are singing Satan's music! However, when we praise the LORD, we are singing the LORD'S music! I do not know about you, but I would rather sing the LORD'S music♬!

Psalm 134 fits very well with praising the LORD! "Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD. May the LORD bless you from Zion, he who is the Maker of heaven and earth."

I realize that there are some of you who read my blog that are not able to attend a church. Remember, Jesus told the Samaritan woman that one day you will be able to worship the LORD wherever you are! I know that my brothers and sisters in Christ suffer because of their faith. Jesus suffered! I want to be like Jesus! What about you?

Start singing the LORD'S music and feel your spirit rise!

I am HIS,

David Walter Wiseman


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Comfort in suffering!

A Good Saturday morning to you wherever you may be! 

I must keep this blog short. I have had three concussions and a minor seizure in the last three months! Then, last Thursday, my wife and I heard a loud pop coming from my right ankle. We went to the Urgent Care Friday afternoon. I had an MRI and an ultrasound. This morning I received a phone call with great news...there is nothing wrong with my ankle! I have a bone spur in the back of my right heal. Praise the Lord🙌!

The verse for this blog comes from Psalm 119: 50. "My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promises preserves my life." 

Here is a piece of knowledge from Psalm 119. King David wrote this psalm to teach his young son Solomon how to read the Hebrew alphabet. He also wanted to pass on to his son wisdom and understanding.

May you find comfort in your suffering today! If you are not suffering today, then praise HIM!

I am HIS,

David Walter Wiseman


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I am still alive!


I writing today to let you know that I am still alive! I have suffered two concussions recently! One in May and one just a few days ago. In fact, if my wife knew that I am writing to you today, she will not be happy with me at all😬!

I must keep this blog short because I have a pounding headache😦!

God is good even when we suffer!

I am HIS,

David Walter Wiseman


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Crown of Life

A good Tuesday afternoon wherever you may be,

I did it again! I hit my head on a wooden crossbeam in my trailer last Thursday. Gratefully, I have been able to get some things accomplished these last three days. God is allowing me to write to you today...Yeah!

Do you feel like the tests in life keep coming one after another? I do! Thank God for this verse in James chapter 1, verse 5. James exhorts, "Blessed is the one who persevere under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."  Isn't this verse encouraging?

I send out one verse a week to about forty people. I place the verse on a picture and send via message. My brother Tim, who I have known for many years, responded, "Amen! We invite JESUS into our life and walk with Him and in the end we receive the crown of life. Doesn't get any better brother!!!" I totally agree!

Those of you who have been reading my blog know how much I have been through. Even after divorce, cancer and divorce, God has never left me! I desire to persevere through this life and gain that crown of life that the Lord has promised! My hope and prayer is that you desire it too! Do not give up! God is with you and He knows your pain, guilt, and loneliness.

Thank you for reading my blog! I am overwhelmed and blessed more than you know!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Friday, April 27, 2018

Jesus answered...


My neighbor Ray passed yesterday after a five year battle with pancreatic cancer. Ray and I became close friends and brothers in Christ. We talked and prayed on many occasions. Ray came home from the hospital about a week ago and was put in hospice. I visited him three days in a row. I am so grateful that Ray is no longer suffering! Ray fought the good fight! He is now in the presence of God.

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father expect through me '" John 14: 6.  You may be wondering why I chose this verse for today. Well, Ray went home to heaven yesterday. Do you know where you are going when it's your time to pass away? I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am going to heaven! Why, because Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He has been since I was twelve years old.

If you are not sure where you will go when you die, then I would urge you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus loves you and he died on the cross for you. He is gentle and kind. He accepts you as you are right now!

All you have to say is, "Jesus, I know my life is a mess. I need you. Please come into my life and help me." If you prayed this short prayer and believe in your heart that Jesus is real, then go and tell a christian friend or relative of your decision. If there is no one you trust, then go to a Bible teaching church this sunday and tell the pastor. Please, do not be quite about this important decision you have made!

In Revelation 3:20, Jesus exclaims, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."  Jesus is standing at the door of your heart. Will you open your heart to him? Do you want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when you die you will be in heaven? What comfort there is when a Christ Follower goes home! Please, if you feel Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart, let him in!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Psalm 86: 16 &17. Thus ends Psalm 86

Good Day to you,

Last week my wife and I went on a road trip vacation! It was our first vacation in six years! We went to a Fair & Rodeo in Nevada. Then, we drove to Utah and walked/hiked at Pioneer Park, Snow Canyon, and Zion National Park.

Our Creator blew my socks off! We ran out of adjectives to describe all the beauty our eyes were seeing! At one to stops in Zion, a wind gust almost knocked me on my butt! May I remind you that I am 6"2' and around 300 pounds! I was stunned😲! Overall, we had a wonderful trip. We are already planning our next trip...maybe back to Zion.

"Turn to me and have mercy on me; show your strength in behalf of your servant; save me, because I serve you just as my mother did. Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me." Psalm 86:16 & 17. Thus ends Psalm 86.

As we go through life's ups and downs, David some how captures how we are feeling. On our trip, I was constantly asking God for His strength and mercy! Verse after verse kept coming to my mind, however, Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"continued to arise in my heart and mind. 

Have you ever desired a sign from God? Have you ever wanted your enemies to face their consciences of their actions? I have asked God. Yet, He shows me His comfort and asks me to forgive. God is love! If you desire a sign from Him, then spend time with Him in prayer and in the Bible. By doing so, you will find all that He has for you!

I an His,
David Walter Wiseman


Friday, April 6, 2018

Psalm 86: 14 & 15 Excellent Characteristics of God!

A good day to you!

Tonight, Nancy & I are going, Lord willing, to David Crowder's
concert! I have only been to one concert. It was when I was living in Texas. I won the tickets on a radio show! I saw Josh Turner in Fort Worth, Texas. I hope Crowder's concert is just as great as Turner's!

In verse 14, David frets about his enemies, "Arrogant foes are attacking me, O God; ruthless people are trying to kill me--they have no regard for you." Have you ever been in a situation where you fretted like David? Cancer was my enemy! It was attacking me and trying to kill me! Only by the grace of God, I am alive! Sure, there have been people in my life that have harsh to me. God has told me to forgive I have!

"But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.  Now, in verse 15, David is shouting the excellent characteristics of his God! We all should shout to God his excellent characteristics! There are mornings that I do not feel like praising God. Yet, as soon as I put a worship cd into the stereo and sing His praise, I am lifted out of myself and into His arms! There is no other place I would rather be than in HIS presence! 

Praise God that He knows us better than we know ourselves!

I hope and pray your Easter Sunday was blessed! HE IS RISEN!

I an HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Psalm 86: 12-13. Praising the Lord!

Good Afternoon, 

Well, my knees are recovering from acupuncture. Now, my lower back decided to join in the pain. I am able to write to you today with a tight lower back.

David is praising his Lord in verses 12 & 13. He exclaims, "I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead." 

An observation I have become aware of in David's writings is his emotional journey with the Lord. Verse 12, David is praising the Lord with all his heart. He wants to glorify the Lord's name forever! I have had days where I felt exactly the same! Have you experienced days in your life when you praised the Lord all day long?

In verse 13, I get an expression that David is shouting to the Lord! "For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead." I know this feeling very well. Having cancer was extremely difficult. However, the cancer treatments was almost killed me three times. Twice in Abilene, Texas and once in La Jolla, California. Each time my heart rate dropped into the thirties. My normal heart rate is between fifty five to sixty two. All three times I was rushed into the Cardiac Unit. Praise God that I recovered quickly! I know David's declaration of being saved from "the realm of the dead." I hope and pray that you have not had a near death experience. If you have gone through it, then you know why David is shouting verse 13!

I appreciate all of you who read my blog! 

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman

Let's learn through David how to talk with God!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Psalm 86:11 Four Desires of King David


It is almost two o'clock here in sunny Southern California. For those of you who are living is the colder regions of the USA or around the world, my prayers go out to you. 

"Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. This verse is Psalm 86:11.

Verses 11 has four desires. First,"Teach me your way, LORD." Second,"That I rely on your faithfulness." Third, "Give me an undivided heart." Finally, "That I may fear your name." As we read each desire, we are able to gain insight into David's heart. David desires to be taught the LORD's way. How are we taught by the LORD? Through the Bible. 

Next, David desires to be able to rely on the LORD's faithfulness. I am not a child. I must rely on my LORD's faithfulness to accomplish what HE asks of me. I believe David is desiring the same faithfulness to complete his call from the LORD.

What does "an undivided heart" do? What this reminds me of is that I cannot love this world and love the LORD! We all must chose because we are not able to be worldly and godly at the same time!

"That I may fear your name." The word fear has different connotations attached to it. One connotation is reverence. Some synonyms for reverence are great respect, acclaim, or admiration.   
The opposite meaning for fear is to be afraid or danger or excessive worry. In this case, David is desiring to reverence the name of his LORD! 

Let us desire what King David desires from this day forward!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Psalm 86:8-10. Praise God!

A good afternoon to you!

As we continue through Psalm 86 today and tomorrow, I do want to write about the upcoming events in our christian faith; Good Friday and Easter. Thank you for reading my blogs! I hope and pray that what I share with you is blessing you.

Psalm 86: 8-10, David writes, "Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God." In these three verses, David is praising God!

In the last blog, we noticed how David cries out to God. David exhibited praise to God too. However, in these three verses, it is all about David praising his Lord! I want to know more about David and what he is experiencing in his life when he is writing to God. I am astonished how David's psalms touch my heart and spirit so deeply!

What I am learning and experiencing from the psalms of David is that when I have an intimate relationship with the Trinity, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), I am free to cry out to them and free to praise them! I encourage you to follow David's example of his connection with the Trinity! Feel free to cry out and praise them and you will find your intimacy with the Trinity grow much deeper than any earthly relationship!  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are able to handle all your cries and they love to hear you praise them! 

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Psalm 86, thank the LORD!

Good afternoon,

As we continue with Psalm 86, I recognize a pattern of David's writing. He cries out to the Lord, then praises the Lord. Verses 6-7 fall into the category of crying out to the Lord. David cries, "Hear my prayer, LORD; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me."

I have cried out to the LORD too many times to count over the last fifteen years. Actually, for most of my life I have cried out to the LORD! I would imagine that as long as I live in this world, I will cry out to Him. Do you cry out to the LORD?

David says that the LORD answers him. I believe the LORD answers our cries. Chris Tomlin has a song called, "Good, Good Father." The LORD is a good Father. He hears our cries and knows what we need when we are in distress.

I am so thankful for the LORD'S mercy. Without mercy, all of us would never know the LORD, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit! The Father's mercy led to Jesus coming to earth to save the world, (John 3:16).

If you do not know Jesus, then pray this simple prayer, "Jesus, I know I am a sinner. Please come into my heart now. I want to go to Heaven when I die. I want to change my life. I know that I cannot change my life without your help. Thank you Jesus for loving me! Amen!

Now, go tell a christian or go to a bible teaching church and tell the pastor! God Bless YOU!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Psalm 86:4-5. Joy, Forgiveness, and Love

Hi there! I hope and pray your day is going well.

For last three days, I have been sleeping more than usually. I know my immune system is not 100%. Maybe, I am fighting off a cold of flu.

In Psalm 86: 4-5, David requests, "Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you. You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you."

I know that I do not ask the Lord to, "Bring joy" to me often enough. I realize that I am a servant of the Lord and need to trust him more everyday. What about you? Do you ask for joy? Do you trust in the Lord?

I admire the way David writes! In one line David asks the Lord and in the next, he is praising the Lord! Yes, praise the Lord that he is, "Forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call on you." I cannot imagine my life without the Lord! 

Let us remind ourselves of who we are each day! We are the sons and daughters of the One True King. If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then we are able to ask for joy, forgiveness, and love from our Heavenly Father! Amen!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman
No matter how we feel, Jesus loves us!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Psalm 86. David's Prayer

Good afternoon wherever you may be, 

Today in Southern California it is cool and breezy with big clouds floating by!

I am still having pain in my knees. I tried acupuncture on them on Monday. OUCH😣! They still hurt today! Well, let us move on in this blog.

Recently, I have discovered Psalm 86. This psalm is a prayer of David. My next few blogs will focus on this psalm. David starts the psalm asking, "Hear me, LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. Guard my life, for I am faithful to you; save your servant who trusts in you.You are my 
God; have mercy on me, LORD, for I call to you all day long." These are verses one through three.

If you have been reading my blogs, then you know how much physical pain I have been through in the last ten years. If you are new to my blogs, then I welcome you! I am nine years cancer free! Praise the LORD! I have been through two divorces, cancer treatments, and the effects of playing high school and college football. Let us add in many years of coaching high school football. I know pain.

I love David's Psalms! Here he is, God's anointed one, pleading to the LORD to answer him and guard his life. Do you ever feel like this? In the last fifteen years I have felt like this! Do you call on Him throughout the day and night? I do! 

There is only One who knows you better than you know yourself. The LORD who created you! Why not call on Him? Give Him all your worries! Cry out to Him when you are in distress! 

I encourage you to start reading the Psalms! I know for me, David, whether he was a shepherd or a King, expresses his feelings to the LORD exactly how I feel!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman

And let God's light help you too!

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Hello from sunny Southern California, 

I want to share another excerpt from my book, "Courage and Comfort." As I was scanning my book, I enquired of the Lord, "What do you want me to write in this blog?" The answer is from pages 37-38. 

I read a book called, "The Fourth Dimension" by Dr. Paul Yonggi Cho. Dr. Cho deals with four aspects of our lives the hinder God's power and the are hatred, fear, inferiority, and guilt. Hatred, Fear, Inferiority, and Guilt. If any of these emotions are ruling our lives, then God's power is hindered  and cannot flow from us. In each emotions, Dr. Cho tells a true story of people who were healed from illness when they let go of those negative emotions and blessed the people who caused those emotions to rule their lives and caused those illnesses.

The word that keeps popping up in my mind is forgiveness. Did you feel that word as you read Dr. Cho four aspects of our lives? There are people in my life, with or without knowing, have caused one or more of the four aspects in my life. I am sure that you could think of some people who have done or is doing one or more of the four aspects in your life.

Forgiveness is not a one time act. For me, forgiveness is a daily act of asking Jesus to help me forgive! I encourage you to forgive others, even if it from the past! We all carry the scars from the past. Do not let satan pick at those scars and remind you of your past! Instead, let Jesus heal those scars so that His power and blessings will flow through us to others!

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Are you able to...


Do you ever feel that you do not belong in your own family? I am the fourth of five children in my family. My Dad passed away four years ago. My Mom is still going strong at 83 years old. I am the only one who believes in Jesus!

King David knew this feeling as he wrote in Psalm 69:8. He wrote, "I am a foreigner to my own family, a stranger to my own mother's children."  I have felt like I did not belong in my family since I was eight years old. My siblings were acting in ways I knew were wrong. I could not understand why.

Jesus states in Matthew 19:29, "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters of father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."   I now understand that anything on earth is not as important as my eternal life. No matter what I have to forsake on earth, my forever home with Jesus is more precious to me!

It is getting more difficult to be a Christ Follower in this world today. However, let us remember all that Jesus did to save us from our sinful life! He is my Savior and my Best Friend! I hope and pray that whatever Jesus asks of me, I will be obedient, even forsaking my family or friends! 

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman


Thursday, February 22, 2018

A personal relationship

A good Thursday to you,

When I read the Bible, I read the Old Testament then the New Testament. Psalm 62:8, King David encourages his people! "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."  

King David wants us to do the same. We need to trust God in whatever we are going through at this time. We need to pour out all that is in our hearts to God. Why? Because God is our refuge! God knows us better than we know ourselves. He is the one who made us. 

God wants a personal relationship with each and everyone of us! I have written this before, yet it is still a wonderful example of the relationship God desires with us. Imagine, not talking to your wife or husband, or your best friend, or your father or mother, for weeks. What do you think will happen to that relationship? If we do not trust him and pour out our hearts to him, or even pray to him, what will happen to the most important relationship in our lives?

King David and I encourage you today and always, to spend time in the Word. Spend time in prayer. Give to God all that is in your heart. Start building your relationship with God. As your spend more time with him, you will begin to see a change in your heart. 

I am HIS,
David Walter Wiseman
The Lord will never forsake us or abandon us! That is a promise!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Watch for the people God puts in your path!

Well, hello to you today!

I would like to share with you how God put three men in my path recently. The first is my father-on-law. He is going through Pancreatic Cancer treatments. I will call him, "Bill." Bill read my book and now he is going through chemotherapy treatments. He is doing so well. Praise the LORD! I have been able to comfort and encourage Bill.

The second man God put in my path is DJ. He works at a hamberger place. His step-father passed from cancer recently. I was wearing a hat that has Jesus in the shape of Superman on the front. DJ said that he liked my hat. We started talking and told me how his step-father died from cancer.  I mentioned that I am a cancer survivor and that I wrote a book about my journey. DJ wanted to get my book and I had one in the car. He was so happy to know someone who defeated cancer! I gave all the credit to God. I gave DJ the book because he did not have any cash with him. What a blessing!

The third man God put in my path was at a car repair shop. Rich talked with a man named Larry about Jesus. Rich stated, "I used to believe in Jesus, but not anymore." Well, after Larry left, Rich and I had a conversation about God. I asked Rich, "If you die on your way home, do you know where you are going?" He softly stated,"I hope there is an afterlife." "I know where I am heaven," I responded with conviction! I told Rich that I am a cancer survivor. I gave him a postcard with the information about my book. I asked,"Do you have a Bible?" "Yes", Rich said. I told him to read the Gospel of John and get my book. He said that he would. I went to shake his hand and he hugged me! 

Please pray for these men. I have a neighbor named Ray. Please pray for him too. Ray is battling Pancreatic Cancer for four year now.

David Walter Wiseman


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Troubles into Blessings!

I hope and pray that this day is going well with you,

I realize that many of you are not having a good day. So, today's verses is for all of us, whether today has been good or bad. The verses comes from 2 Corinthians, 1:3 & 4, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we receive from God."  

My book is called, "Courage and Comfort." I must realize that all the trouble, pain, injuries, heartaches, and too many other hurts to list, that God is using me to comfort others. How are we able to comfort someone else unless we have suffered too.  Even now, I am suffering the loss of all I used to be able to do! Yet, God is faithful and he is comforting me as I write to you.

What have you suffered in your life? Whatever it is use it to comfort others! Many times I have noticed that God puts people in my path who are going through cancer treatments, or knows someone who has cancer. I know that God is using me to comfort them! Because I have suffered so much in my life, I have a variety of ways to comfort others. What a blessing from God! One day, I will become a Pastor and I will be able to comfort my congregation in so many ways!

Whatever you have suffered, use it for the glory of God! Comfort others and you will receive blessings from God!

I am HIS, 
David Walter Wiseman


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

From Courage and Comfort

Greetings to you,

I am going to share with you an excerpt from Courage and Comfort. I hope and pray that what I am about to write will give you insight to why I blog. As I say often, I am amazed that I am alive!

"I was living in a one blinking light town in Gorman, Texas. I taught 7th & 8th grade Science, and coached football and basketball. I was also working at Wal-Mart as a cashier.

On February 10th, 2007, I arrived home from working a Wal-Mart and though I had the flu. Sixteen days later, I'm in the hospital receiving 15 bags of fluids over the next three days for dehydration.
After a chest x-ray, my doctor sat on the edge on my bed and said, 'Dave, it looks like the 'C Word.'"Tim McGraw's song, "Live like you were Dying" just hit the radio stations. Wow, that was my life!

Three days later, I was transferred to Abilene Reginal Hopital. On March 12th, my oncologist confirmed that I had Stage 4 Choriocarcinoma. This type of germ cell cancer formed a large mass around my stomach, filled my lungs, and formed two nodules in the back of my brain."

I am nine years cancer free! I praise God that I am alive! Yet, I continue to deal with all the side effects of the treatments to get me cancer free. I call my life after cancer, "The new normal!" This means that what was able to do before cancer, I am not able to do even after nine years of being cancer free. Believe me, "The new normal" tests all my faith in the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! 

I am so grateful to be alive! Whatever you are going through in your life, seek the Lord Jesus by praying and  reading the Word! He will never leave you nor forsake you! I know this so deeply in my heart!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Be encouraged!

I hope and pray that today has been good to you,

I had another sleepless night. My wife and I are trying to eat better. I have not have enough carbohydrates and one of the side effects is insomnia. Furthermore, I still dealing with a stomach issues. Ok, let us move on to the topic of this blog.

Two verses were revealed to me today by the Holy Spirit. Psalm 27:14 & Jeremiah 29:11. Psalm 27:14, David encourages us to, " Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD."  Waiting for the LORD is not easy especially in this "microwave" world we live in. Being strong, what does that mean? For me it means being spiritually strong. How do we get "spiritually strong?" I believe by praying/talking with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and reading the Word on a regular basis. Then there is "take heart." In my opinion, in means to be courageous!

Jeremiah 29:11, the LORD states, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." What marvelous plans the LORD has for all who know Him! As I was going through my cancer treatments, to honest with you, this verse seemed miles away from me. Even now, with all my trials and pain, this promise feels out of reach for me. Yet, I understand that every word in the Bible is true and every promise of the LORD will come to fruition! This is where Psalm 27:14 comes in to assure us that if we, "Wait for the LORD: be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD," He will keep all His promises! 

Be encouraged today!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman

I hope we all have "Sweet Dreams tonight!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Psalm 30:5

Good day wherever you may be,

Our verse for today is found in Psalm 30:5, "Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."   Last night was a night of "weeping" and calling out to God. I have been through so much pain in the last fifteen years! 

Today, God has shown me His lovingkindness! He did it through His Word and through the notes I have written over the years. "But rejoicing comes in the morning." Oh thank God that He knows me so well! 

Let us remind ourselves as we go through the long sleepless nights, which usually includes crying, that God is with us! When the sun rises and we seek God, He restores us and brings joy back into our hearts!

God knows us better than we know ourselves! We cannot use up all the love He has for us! God wants us to give Him all our desires and all our pains. 

Again, I am overwhelmed by God's grace, mercy, love, and patience with me!

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Let us be glad!

Hello from Southern California,

The verse for today is found in 1 Peter 1:15-16, "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy because I am holy.'"  I do not know about you, but I am grateful that God used "holy" instead of "perfect!" I believe that Jesus was the only perfect person to walk this earth!

Being "holy" means that we are saintlike, good, pure, God-fearing, virtuous, and devoted to the service to God. Being "perfect" means faultless, flawless, and sinless. I am sure that there are more adjectives for holy and perfect. I have listed a few just to make a point. 

We should strive to become more like Jesus, yet in our striving, God as directed us to be holy. We will never be perfect until we get to Heaven. Thank God for his call on our lives to be holy.

I hope and pray that my blog is blessing you! May I ask of you to pray for me? My health is not well. 

I am His,
David Walter Wiseman